1. Selection
To join a workcamp, first select the workcamp you want to join from the SCI workcamp database. Selectable by country / dates / subject. The database provides very basic workcamp information that is extensively analyzed in the infosheet, a form provided only to accepted volunteers. If some information is crucial to your choice, then this is included in the brief description of the workcamp in the database (eg knowledge of Japanese, very hard manual labor, lack of running water, etc.). Otherwise you might think that the conditions are proportional to a camp.
2. Application
You then complete the online application form in English (or in the language of the workcamp country if required), deposit the money into the SCI account and send the bank receipt by e-mail to SCI (workcamps@sci.gr). Alternatively, the money can be donated directly to the SCI office.
3. Continue
Within 3-5 days you will be notified if you have been accepted into the workcamp.
If you have been accepted, then in the coming weeks you will receive the infosheet, a form with detailed information on the workcamp and how exactly you will arrive, if you need to bring something and information on living, eating and anything else that the organizers think necessary you must know before you arrive. Once you are informed that you have been accepted you must send a confirmation slip to the organizers.
If you are not accepted in any of the workcamps of your choice (which is relatively rare) you have the option of either filling in your application with another workcamp and so on. or cancel your application. In the latter case, the amount of the application you have paid will be refunded.
If you have been accepted to a workcamp and you cancel the money is not refundable.
If for any reason your workcamp that you have been accepted is canceled (which is quite rare) for then you are offered alternative workcamp sites in the same country, or elsewhere. If you do not wish to participate, you will be reimbursed for both the application money and any other expenses you have incurred (eg tickets).
It is good to have a basic knowledge of English or the language of the workcamp country. You should be interested in the subject, be ready to work within a team and willing to face any difficulties. You have to arrive at the beginning of the program in time and not leave it before it ends. Prior experience in the field of work is usually not necessary. Some of the programs also accommodate volunteers with special needs or social issues and parents with their children. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old to participate in a workcamp in Greece, 18 for overseas and 21 for North-South exchanges. For the latter, prior participation in another workcamp or related experience is a prerequisite. There is no age limit.