Reference number: 2021-1-ES01-KA122-ADU-000018183
This is a co- funded project by the Erasmus+ programme


Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad (Spain/Coordinator)

Cooperative Sociale Il Faro (Italy)

Service Civil International – Hellas (Greece)

Support Entities

The Lighthouse Workshop (Granada, Spain )

Grenada Welcomes (Granada, Spain )

Kuna House Association (Granada, Spain )


Project summary 

We believe that the main challenge that organizations that work with adults and vulnerable people are going through today as for education, social inclusion and accompaniment, has to do with the socio- sanitary conflicts from COVID – 19. Due to the pandemic the activities face-to-face have been limited, so in-site training, administration and meetings, in general, should be updated, digitized and new innovative methodologies should be found that allow for quality to be maintained and improved. In this sense, it is important to notice that the current social context on a global scale has affected the situation of the most vulnerable people, leaving them still further exposed and in worse conditions when it comes to their quality of life and with a large percentage of desertion from educational activities both formal and informal. Thus, the population of most of the reception facilities and social services has increased, without an increase in the income. On the contrary, in many occasions it has been impossible to carry out certain activities that generated resources. The presence of technology in FES presents an important element of analysis, as well as the chances of users to access them (taking into account the difficulties with language and digital tools). Consequently, you can observe an excessive use of ICTs in relation to entertainment and difficulty in accessing programmes or applications linked to education, networking or carrying out administrative procedures. That is, two processes are generated simultaneously: on one side a dependence towards the digital media on inappropriate use linked to leisure. This situation can trigger isolation, abandonment of fundamental activities (like work, education), all the way to depression, attention hyperactivity disorder, difficulty in developing social skills, obesity, motor impairment due to lack of bodily experiences, etc. On the other hand, you can notice the lack of digital tools to facing life day-to-day, such as accessing spaces of formation or power, carry out the administrative formalities necessary for immigration process, judicial actions, etc. In this sense, FES needs empowerment to be able to encompass such themes in all their complexity and give the different answers that each target group requires, providing tools for one to use digital media appropriately and responsibly. During the last year the inappropriate use of social networks has grown and advances in relative legislation have been put to place only in some countries. It is observed that in the digital media publications there is no gender perspective included, continuing with racist and violent stereotypes. This last feature seems exponentiated when it comes to sexual harassment, cyberbullying, racism etc. Given this, the organizations must trigger increased awareness activity, generating new strategies to access society promoting a suitable use for ICTs. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) of the European Union has as priority two fundamental strategies: to encourage the development of a high-performance digital educational ecosystem and hone skills and digital abilities for digital transformation. However, dependency and digital violence are not mentioned. Besides, we notice in the different organizations with which we cooperate that groups with which we work have difficulties in identifying with the teachers, since they do not share the language or customs and do not feel motivated. This is why we believe that training people from different collectives would result, on one side, in empowering the people themselves and, at the same time, in an important tool to replicate and train more people of the same collective in an effective way through peer education.


  • Improvement of digital skills of the professionals (education, intervention, administration, management, communication) and of the students and users (women, migrants, the elderly, etc).
  • Creation of an Observatory about digital dependence and cybercrime (gender, racism, bullying etc) for prevention through a digitized awareness strategy.
  • Creation of educational pathways for teachers and students on the promotion of equality and inclusion in the digital sphere ( egalitarian, non-violent communication, crimes, etc).
  • Creation of a face -to-face and digital non-formal educational path for the promotion of Peer Education in reception institutions for migrants, women and vulnerable people.
  • Innovate the therapeutic accompaniment methodology and community social intervention considering the new EU challenges: digital addictions, inclusion, environment, social entrepreneurship.



  • Observatory for inclusive communication
  • Inclusive communication manual
  • Workshop on intersectionality, sexism, LGBT+, antiracism and digital dependency and digital violence
  • Audiovisual educational material
  • Basic bibliographical guide
  • Mapping of projects / organizations that work on the issues at local, national and European level
  • Inclusive space sticker

To see the results click here


Activities carried out in Italy

Teaching Assignment 1: Digital dependency (Brindisi, Italy)

In February two FES professionals organized in Italy this interesting training: digital addictions involve a risk that makes for a bigger problem: occupying ourselves with a drug about which exists neither pressure nor social condemnation and for which no prevention spaces in the field of education have yet been set up. That’s why we want to share through the teaching activities our intervention methodology with the different collectives in the field of digital dependency in the Covid-19 era and take advantage of this stay too during this controversial period of time for the specific realities to each organization and territorial context in order to enrich the intervention methodology.

Download the programme here



Training Course 1: Communication with a Gender Perspective (Brindisi, Italy)

In February, 4 FES staff professionals have participated in a workshop in digital communication tools that promote equality between men and women from an inclusive queer perspective. We proposed to create means and ways of communication that can change paradigms, beginning with the communication with unx mismx.

Download the programme of activities aquí


Mobility of learners 1: Gender equality in the digital field (Brindisi, Italy)

During a week of June ’22, 5 women of diverse origins of our host community participated in a workshop in communication as a tool for the empowerment of women. This training has taken place in Brindisi (Italy) in the women’s reception community of @ lafabbricadelfaro!

It has been a week of exploration, exchange, and creation and we also toured the city and the sea! The objective was to promote peer education in FES and expand this training for everyone in the community.

Download the porgramme here


Mobility of learners 2: New masculinities in the digital field (Brindisi, Italy)

During a week of September ’22, 5 men of different origins, representatives of our host community, participated in a non- violent communication workshop about sexism and new masculinities.

During the workshop we have done various dynamics and experiential activities on the promotion of masculinities which are different from the hegemonic ones and their daily expression.

Besides that, we also enjoyed the city and held a multicultural meeting that promoted the European values and citizen participation.

Download the programme here


Activities carried out in Greece

Teaching Assignment 2: Digital dependency (Athens, Greece)

In September ’22, two FES professionals participated in this interesting training in Greece: digital addictions have a risk that makes for a bigger problem: occupying ourselves with a drug about which exists neither pressure nor social condemnation and for which no prevention spaces in the field of education have yet been set up. That’s why we wanted to share through teaching activities our intervention methodology with the different collectives in the field of digital dependency in the Covid-19 era and take advantage of this stay during such a controversial period of time for the specific realities of each organization and territorial context in order to enrich the intervention methodology.

Download the programme here


Training Course 2: Antiracist Communication – digital tools for inclusive communication (Athens, Greece)

Between April 7 and 12, four FES staff professionals participated in this course in Athens. It included several days of debate, exchange and creation of tools to establish our daily work in a more in-depth and effective way, so as to create and communicate better and fairer worlds.

Download the programme here


Mobility of learners 3: Communication inclusive and non- violent in digital field (Athens, Greece).

During a week, 5 migrants from different regions, who reside in the host community of FES have participated in this course during September ’22.

We have toured the city analyzing situations of racism and the potential of the community to create agents of change and promote active citizen participation.

Download the programme here


Activities Carried Out in Spain

For a month we hosted a person linked to Cooperativa Sociale Il Faro (Italy) and a person from Social Civil International – Hellas (Greece) who stayed in Granada (Spain) conducting research on non-violent and inclusive communication, promoting the creation of an Observatory in Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad and exchanging experiences.


For this summary in Spanish please go to